Own Every Minute!

Travel Around the World with Alvin

Tokyo – Edo Tokyo Museum, Conveyor Belt Sushi

2017-08-09 (Tokyo) Part 2

You can never visit all the places in Tokyo. I have been to Tokyo for a couple times already, and there is always new places that I have not visited.

Edo Tokyo Museum
Need to pay to enter, but there are volunteers on site that are very welcoming and would be willing to guide you through the entire museum.

The museum is organized in a chronological order, which let you walk through Edo from Edo period to the modern Tokyo. There is a huge 1:1 replica of nippon bashi (Japan Bridge) located in the center of the museum. Walking through the bridge, you will reach the part where it displays the miniature of Edo. There is also different giant display of paintings that you can play “find the emperor” game. The emperor appears in all of the paintings, but just like finding Waldo, it is almost impossible to spot where the Emperor is.

So happy to have fried chicken again 😀

I was actually looking for my favorite sushi spot Kurasushi, but it turns out Kura isn’t as popular in Tokyo area. Instead, I get to this Kaiten sushi place inside Daimaru department store.

Funny story: as I was waiting, the girl waiting in front of me got bumped by the person in front and accidentally bumped into me. I was being apologetic and said “sumimasen” to her, and I thought this was the end of the story. But then her friend came, and it turned out they were both Cantonese speaking people living in Japan. She told her friend that how rude the person in front of them was and how nice I am, not knowing I could understand every single word that they are saying. Perks for looking Asian in an Asian country. 😀

Yet I am out of cash… I would be coming back for it!!

Once I am trying, I always encounter some interesting things:
Everyone knows how bad my Japanese is, and this time I “failed” in a thing that I am most proud of… ordering food!

I saw this mango sundae and I was like “ummm I want to get that.” So I ordered one, but for some reason, the cashier heard I wanted two… and I had them charged on my card… How can I possibly have two sundae… but there is no way that I can express that I need a return on my card and Sundae is not something that you can return. I saw a girl wearing a California T-Shirt, and I was like, “this is shinjuku, and she looks young and maybe she could speak some English.” I just walked up there and was thinking maybe I could offer her a sundae to make some new friends. I was like “do you speak english?”, and she said no in Japanese lol (so clearly she could understand me) So I continued in my English (regardless of her response) and told her how I ordered one and got two (and she clearly understood and offered to help me to talk to the cashier). I was like “LOL” and just said you can take the sundae and happily have my sundae on my own at the corner lol (I wish I could speak a little more Japanese haha)

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