2017-07-27 (Loch Ness)
Actually wanted to go see the Loch Ness monster yesterday, but the website didn’t allow me to place an order after midnight.
Loch Ness Monster Hunter Tour! Let’s go hunt for the monster!
Loch Ness Cruise
It is not really possible to see far into the bottom of the lake as the surrounding area is abundant in a mineral that dilates the lake into a dark blue color. There are lots of legends about the monsters. Some say it has always been living in the lake, and some argue that it is actually a dinosaur. The water in the lake is extremely cold, and one would not survive in the water for more than 3 minutes. The boat has sonar installed to detect anything that is under the boat.
I have proof that I have found Nessie!
Small town right next to the lake
Veteran Memorial
The Three Sisters (Bidean nam Bian)
Rabbies tour seems to be a similar tour agency with tours in a smaller group. The price for the tour is about the same, but it might be worth to take a look over there.