Own Every Minute!

Travel Around the World with Alvin

Day 32 (1/2): Berlin – Hohenschönhausen Memorial

10/09/2015 Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial (Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen)

A fascinating memorial that used to be a jail for political prisoners during the Cold War. Mostly eyewitnesses work as guides here.

This is one of the concentration camps recommended by Magnus.
Prisoners were transported blindly to this location.

It is ironic that some of the ex-officers still live around the neighborhood. Some of the people who were tortured would recognize these ex-officers, but they would hardly react at least these incidences were not reported on the news.


Before entering the actual site, we were guided to a movie theater room for a brief documentary.

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Meals are served through this tiny little box. To torture the inmates, sometimes, the officers would switch on and off the lights constantly, not allowing the inmates to sleep.

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This is not a room for one prisoner, but for 20-30+ people because they captured too many people for interrogations. Prisoners were not allowed to use the bathroom upon requests, so the room was very unhygienic as you can imagine.

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This is “the toilet.”


Video recordings were not allowed here because some time ago, when this guy was giving a tour, some teenagers took a video and made some editing  to the videos with fallacious info and posted on youtube.


Prisoners Transportation Van

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Interrogation Room

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This really reminds me of the movie Bridge of Spies. I think it was already part of the places where the movie was filmed.

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