Own Every Minute!

Travel Around the World with Alvin

Day 30 (1/3): Munich – WWII Bomb Encounter, The Victual’s Market, St. Peter’s Church

10/06/2015 Munich

Suddenly it’s so sad
Finally my trip is over…

Sigh I miss my friends


Woke up kind of early in the morning and planned my itinerary for Munich

Unfortunately Oktoberfest is over and I didn’t get a chance to experience it.

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German Museum


It is the largest science museum in the world. As you know how lucky I am, the minute I got to the museum , they found a bomb and all the tv media were there. At the end, it turned out to be an American bomb from the world war two, but the museum was closed for the day and everyone has to be evacuated from the museum island.

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The Victual’s Market (Viktualienmarkt)
Munich’s most popular open-air market – with about every product you can imagine in stock.
The market had a lot of interesting stuff. I had a shrimp salad with an edible crust/bowl. It was delicious !

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St. Peter’s Church (Peterskirche)

The oldest church in all of Munich with origins dating back to the 8th century. The tower offers one of the best views of the city.
Went up to the tower and had a really nice view of the city and the alps

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