Own Every Minute!

Travel Around the World with Alvin

Day 24: Den Haag, Delft – Openbare Bibliotheek, Binnenhof, Peace Palace, New Church

09/30/2015 Train day in the Netherlands
Well enough said, train day is a busy day for exploring
Public Library Amsterdam (Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam)
It’s is the biggest library in Europe, and it was really fascinating! I didn’t know a library can be this fancy and comfortable to sit in. But I wonder how it is the biggest in Europe. I feel like the royal library in Copenhagen is still bigger.

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Since I got out kinda late. I couldn’t keep up with my plan to go to 5 cities at a time. I only ended up going to two , which both of them I really enjoyed.

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First stop: Den Haag
The city / town is just like Amsterdam, so beautiful and has a lot of rivers within the town.
The Binnenhof 
the historical buildings that have been the centre of Dutch politics for centuries

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Peace Palace
I thought it was a museum as it said free entry outside. Apparently the palace is closed to public. I could only walked around the souvenir store and the little display sections that they have.

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Haha because of my poor schedule, I had to go to another town at that point.
New church and Old Church
Climbing up to the tower of the new church was lonnnnnnggg!
It took me forever to get up there, but the view was awesome!

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New Church (Nieuwe Kerk)

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Racism on trains
Some German undercover police were targeting some middle eastern looking people for full security check on trains. They were being questioned and searched for long… Kinda scary
But then the conductor checked everyone’s ticket except me, probably because I am alone and Asian lol. I even tried to pull out my ticket and he refused and walked away lol


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